Now a days, students from science background are very much interested to go abroad for their higher degree. This rate is increasing day by day. Every year students graduated from various subjects are trying heart and soul to get good scholarships for their MSc or Ph.D study. Very few of them are getting success whereas most of them ( about 95%) due to lack of the exact procedure, fail to get their desired scholarships. Every year many institutions/ universities all over the world are offering good scholarships that covers a monthly payment, exemption of tuition fees, health insurance, air fare, housing allowance, etc. Every scholarship has some criteria ( rule and regulations), in order to get a scholarship, a candidate must satisfy all required conditions ( For Ph.D scholarship, candidate should have MSc degree with thesis, good IELTS/TOEFL score, publications, etc). However, in order to apply for a scholarship, which is offered by a certain university, the first step is to manage a supervisor (Who is working as an assistant/ associate/ professor in that university). Finding a professor who is willing to supervise you can be a major challenge. It can take several weeks or even months.
What should You do before contacting a professor?
*Make sure that the prospective academic supervisor actually works in your field.
*Make sure that you possess all of the qualifications required for the intended scientific collaboration
*Make sure that you possess all of the qualifications required for the intended scientific collaboration
How should you go about contacting a professor?
Make direct contact with a professor and declare your interest in collaborating in a specific research project. Tell the professor what you have studied so far and that you are applying for a scholarship.
**By sending e-mail you can also manage your Ph.D supervisior.