When we are born, milk is the first meal we eat, mainly in the form of our mother’s super-nutritious and protective breastmilk. It also contains important vitamins and minerals for our health, such as vitamin D, phosphorus, B vitamins for increased energy, and vitamin A for a stronger immune system and glowing skin.

As kids, we were frequently taught that we needed to drink a lot of milk – typically cow’s milk from a carton – in order to have strong and healthy bones.
However, as we get older, we are less inclined to consume this healthy beverage, perhaps because we connect it with childhood and desire to move on to more “grown-up” beverages like coffee and tea.

Joanna Soh, a personal trainer and nutrition consultant, discusses the significance of milk in our diet.

Milk has many health advantages, particularly in terms of bone health, due to its high calcium content.
It also contains important vitamins and minerals for our health, such as vitamin D, phosphorus, B vitamins for greater energy, and vitamin A for a stronger immune system and better skin.
This delectable beverage is also a good source of protein, since each normal glass of milk includes almost 8g of protein, which aids in the development and repair of muscle tissue.

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Source: The Daily Star