Model Test (Open Book Examination)
Sub: Chemistry Course: Chem-231F
Time:1:30 h
Test No. 01 Total Marks: 5 x14=70
- Classify the cubic system in terms of unit cells.
- Show the tetrahedral and octahedral positions of cation/ anion in the unit cell.
- Draw the crystal structure of TiO2 and write down its main features.
- Define the term “viscosity”. Phosphoric acid is more viscous than sulphuric acid-explain why?
- Draw the structure of CuSO4.5H2O
- KHF2 exists but KHCl2 does not-explain why?
- Explain the strength of acidity (both for organic and inorganic acids) on the basis of H-bond.
- What is Madelung constant? Mention the factors on which this constant depends.
- Write the Kapustinskii equation and explain the terms involved in it.
- 3s23p6 configuration is more ionic than that of 3s23p63d10-explain why?
- Give a list of bonds, which are usually observed in higher boranes.
- Write down the factors on which the lattice enthalpy of a compound depends.
- On what condition, a compound will be soluble in water?
- What is “styx” number? Find out the “styx” number of B5H9 and draw its structure.